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№1' 2008


Peculiarities of the personality and sex−role behavior in women with specific personality disorders
6 - 9
The author describes personality features and sex−role behavior disorders resulting in spouse disadaptation in women with different types of specific personality disorders, which were revealed by means of psychodiagnostic investigation.
Personality characteristics of patients with arterial hypertension and neurasthenia
10 - 14
Main personality and character features of patients with arterial hypertension and neurasthenia as well as types of their attitude to the disease were revealed. Correlation between the personality features was determined. The necessity of psychotherapy in this pathology with the consideration of personality features of the patients is emphasized.
Apathy−type disturbance of personality formation in juveniles with cerebral dysfunction
15 - 19
The mechanisms, dynamics of development and manifestations of apathy−type disturbances of personality formation in juveniles with cerebral dysfunction and astheno−neurotic character accentuation were described. A system of complex medical and psychotherapeutic correction of the juvenile state was suggested.
Clinical psychopathological structure of schizophrenia patients with suicidal behavior
20 - 22
The findings of the analysis of suicide attempt prevalence in mental patients treated at a specialized hospital are reported. It was shown that social disadaptation is easily formed in patients with schizophrenia against a genetically changed background, which results in such deviant behavior as suicide.
Clinical−psychopathological features of HIV−infected persons
23 - 25
Complex psychopathological and pathopsychological investigation of HIV−infected patients revealed their clinical psychopathological features depending on the stage of HIV−infection and gender differences. HIV−infection stage was shown to be more important clinically than the gender differences.
Sexual education: mistakes and their analysis
26 - 30
Main principles of sexual education of children, juveniles and youth as well as frequent mistakes and wrong approaches are discussed. It is emphasized that main prevention of sexual disorders is correct sexual education, organization of which necessitates joint effort of the family and social institutions.
Sexual disadaptation in somatization disorders in women: causes, development mechanisms, clinical forms
31 - 35
The causes and regularities of development of two variants of sexual disadaptation of a married couple at somatization disorder of the wife (both primary and secondary) were revealed. The author describes clinical forms, in which this or that variant of disadaptation develops, the knowledge of which is necessary for effective psychotherapy of sexual health disturbance at this disease in women.
Spouse disadaptation in diabetes mellitus in women and its psychotherapy correction
36 - 38
The causes, development mechanisms, course and clinical manifestations of sexual health in women with diabetes mellitus were established. The author describes the original system of psychotherapeutic correction of the married couple disadaptation at this disease in the wife, which was tested with a good result.
How to distinguish atherosclerotic stroke from cardioembolic stroke in clinical practice?
39 - 48
Contemporary ideas about pathogenetic mechanisms of ischemic stroke (IS) development are featured. The peculiarities of the clinical course and diagnosis of prevalent types of IS (atherothormbotic and cardioembolic), which allow to choose optimal therapeutic and preventive measures, are shown.
Peculiarities of treatment of arterial hypertension with accompanying obesity
49 - 50
Significant reduction of the level of insulin, leptin and arterial pressure against a background of administration of ACEI, lisinopril, was revealed in patients with arterial hypertension and accompanying obesity, which proves the necessity to work out pathogeentic methods of treatment.
New achievements and unsolved problems of cardiology: the results of 2007
51 - 55
New recommendations of European experts on treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases as well as the findings of the recent clinical investigations of the suggested methods and means are reviewed.
The influence of hypertension and metabolic syndrome on the structure and functions of the arteries
56 - 62
The literature data about the mechanisms of vascular remodeling in arterial hypertension and metabolic syndrome are reviewed. The methods of their correction are featured.
Gender differences in circulation regulation on day 1−2 after correction of developed heart defects and aortocoronary bypass grafting
63 - 67
Gender differences in hemodynamics regulation were compared in men and women in early post−operative period after the heart valve replacement and/or CABG procedure. The leading factor in changes of hemodynamics is shown to be reduction of myocardial mass index in women (when compared with men) resulting in different contractility of the heart. Prospective directions of further investigations of gender peculiarities of post−operative hemodynamics associated with making a scale of gender differences and profound study of the character of coronary blood supply were formulated.
The influence of complex therapy for metabolic syndrome on cytokine metabolism features
68 - 70
It is shown that the use of lisinopril and carvedilol in complex treatment of the patients with coronary artery disease and chronic heart failure accompanied by type 2 diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome considerably promoted normalization of IL−6 and TNF−α in the blood serum and depended on the dose. More considerable reduction of IL−6 can be achieved using minimum doses of lisinopril with carvedilol.
Advantages of combination drug therapy in correction of dyslipidemia in metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes mellitus
71 - 78
The necessity of combined therapy with statins/fibrates for control of lipid metabolism disorders at metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus is shown.
Androgen metabolism during postmenopause in women with type 2 diabetes mellitus
79 - 82
The findings of 17−ketosteroid excretion in women with type 2 diabetes mellitus during the postmenopause depending on the amount of androgens in the blood serum, concentration of insulin and sensitivity of the peripheral tissues to it are reported. Correlation between testosterone fractions, androgen amount, the disease duration and the age was determined.
Functioning of cytokine system in children with viral hepatitis
83 - 87
The literature data about the functioning of cytokine system in children with viral hepatitis B and C are analyzed. Investigation of cytokine profile in the complex with immunological indices was shown to aid in specifying the pathogenesis of chronic viral hepatitis, controlling the efficacy of the administered therapy, prognosis of the course of the disease.
Oxidation stress and hormonal state of the juveniles with duodenal ulcer
88 - 91
Duodenal ulcer in juveniles is shown to develop in the conditions of oxidation stress resulting from dysbalance in the system of antioxidant protection. It was revealed that moderate increase of oxidatively modified protein molecules results from antioxidant activity of thyroid hormones, cortisole and estradiole.
Restoration of reproductive function in women with thyroid homeostasis disorders and the history of reproductive loss
92 - 95
The data about prevention of reproductive function disorders in women operated for benign diseases of the thyroid gland eith the history of reproductive loss are presented.
Gestation transitory thyrotoxicosis
96 - 98
Modern literature data about gestation thyrotoxicosis are presented. The peculiarities of hormonal regulation of the thyroid gland are featured.
Hormone replacement therapy after extirpation or supravaginal amputation of the uterus
99 - 101
Literature data about hormone replacement therapy after radical surgery for gynecological diseases are reviewed. Limitations in solution of this problem are emphasized.
Modification of areflux choledochoanastomosis with restoration of bile passage to the duodenum
102 - 110
Modifications of forming choledochoanastomosis promoting restoration of bile passage to the duodenum, which prevented development of peptic ulcer, were worked out. A special technique for mobilization of the switched off segment of the jejunum according to Roux promoting an adequate motility was suggested.
Unsolved questions of diagnosis and treatment of syndrome of acute lesion of the stomach
111 - 113
Main questions of development, diagnosis and treatment of syndrome of acute lesion of the stomach are featured. Main directions in the investigation of this state were determined.
Interstitional cystitis. Modern views at the problem
114 - 123
Demographic, etiological, diagnostic and therapeutic characteristics of interstitial cystitis are presented. It is shown that with many causes, peculiarities of the pathogenesis and diverse therapeutic tactics preference is given to combination treatment.
Modern ideas about the role of immune reactions in development of malignant tumors
124 - 127
Modern ideas about the peculiarities of immune reactions in oncological pathology are reported. It is shown that the immune system can not only activate anti−tumor mechanisms but also stimulate tumor progress under definite conditions.
Modern approaches to monitoring the patients with prostate cancer
128 - 132
The role of blood serum tumor markers as well as radiation imaging methods in assessment of thyroid cancer treatment efficacy is discussed.
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