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№3' 2011


International Medical Journal, Vol. 17., Iss. 3, 2011, P. 106−109.

Viral hepatitis as an occupational pathology of health­care workers

Maliy V. P., Chuikov M. L.

Kharkiv Medical Academy of Post−graduate Education, Kharkiv, Ukraine

The incidence of hepatitis C in health workers of Kharkov was investigated. It is shown that probability of hepatitis C virus infection in health workers is directly proportional to the length of service; probability of occupational infection is statistically higher in health workers connected with parenteral interventions, when compared with those specializing in therapy. A high risk of infection in the workers of out−patient departments, medium risk of infection in those working at in−patient departments and low risk of infection in those working at maternity hospitals and diagnostic laboratories were revealed.

Key words: chronic hepatitis C, health workers, professional pathology.

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