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№1' 2013


International Medical Journal, Vol. 19., Iss. 1, 2013, P. 6−10.

The influence of combination magnetolaser therapy on quality of life in patients with bronchial asthma at the state of restorative treatment

Yusupaliyeva M. M., Yusupaliyev A. U., Yakovlev V. I., Dankovykh N. S.

Crimean State Medical University named after S.I. Georgievsky, Simferopol, Ukraine

Abstract. The authors analyze the dynamics of the parameters of quality of life in 158 patients with bronchial asthma using MOS SF−36 questionnaire before and after the treatment. The efficacy of standard resort therapeutic complex, additional administration of non−invasive magnetolaser therapy and combination of non−invasive megentolaser therapy with endonasal laser irradiation was compared. It was determined that combined application of non−invasive magnetolaser therapy and endonasal laser irradiation improved the quality of life of the majority of patients with bronchia asthma even when pronounced signs of allergic rhinitis are absent vs. separate administration of non−invasive magentolaser therapy and basic resort therapy.

Key words: bronchial asthma, quality of life, non−invasive magnetolaser therapy, endonasal laser irradiation.

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