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№1' 2013


International Medical Journal, Vol. 19., Iss. 1, 2013, P. 105−109.

Blood biochemical parameters and assessment of the state of connective-tissue structures metabolism in children with bone destructive diseases of the temporomandibular joint in planning of reconstructive surgery

Lubchenko A. V.

Kharkiv Medical Academy of Post−graduate Education, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Abstract. This work determines the possibility to perform reconstructive operations in children with bone destructive diseases. The purpose of the work was to investigate the indices of acute−phase inflammation and connective−tissue metabolism to predict the course of post−operative period and correct the general state of the patients. Laboratory indices of the peripheral blood (echogram integral indices) and biochemical indices of the patients with secondary deforming osteoarthritis and bone ankylosis were investigated. The obtained findings suggest that chronic secondary deforming oateorrthrosis and ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint developed against a background of metabolic processes disorders in the main substance of the connective tissue; these manifestations were noted in early age. The revealed disorders at secondary deforming osteoarthritis and ankylosis of temporomandibular joint require correction of these states both before the surgery and after it. Investigation of the laboratory parameters can be used to assess the efficacy of treatment of the patients with secondary deforming osteoarthrosis and ankylosis of temporomandibular joint and in retrospective analysis.

Key words: laboratory findings, osteoarthrosis, ankylosis, temporomandibular joint, children.

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