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№1' 2013


International Medical Journal, Vol. 19., Iss. 1, 2013, P. 113−117.

Transvaginal ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging in diagnosis of hyperplastic processes of the endometrium

Krasilnikov R. G., Abdullayev R. Ya.

Order red Star Main Military Clinical Hospital, Kyiv; Kharkiv Medical Academy of Post−graduate Education, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Abstract. The authors present the review of literature on the role of transvaginal ultrasound diagnosis (TUD) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in improvement of diagnostic approaches to assessment of endometrium in the uterus cavity in patients with hyperplasic processes of the endometrium (HPE). Significance of the issue of the diagnosis efficacy improvement and differential diagnosis of HPE is due to the tendency to increased incidence of small pelvis malignancy, which, according to various authors, makes 15−47%. A common instrumental method of HPE diagnosis is TUD allowing noninvasive assessment of the small pelvis organs macrosctrucutre in women. In radiology practice high diagnostic informativity at endometrium investigation is achieved with combination of different methods of radiation diagnosis, i.e. TUD with color Doppler mapping (for visualization of the blood flow including neoplasms) and MRI with high contrast soft tissue visualization, which are successfully used in differential diagnosis in case of ambiguous ultrasonography findings. The further progress of diagnostic screening will improve the informativity of radiation diagnosis, as well as efficacy of combined use of TUD and color Doppler mapping, Doppler ultrasound and MRI at benign HPE.

Key words: transvaginal ultrasound diagnosis, magnetic resonance imaging, endometrium, uterus cavity, endometrium hyperplasia.

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