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№1' 2015


International Medical Journal, Vol. 21., Iss. 1, 2015, P. 78−83.


Zaseda Yu. I.

Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Ukraine

The ideas about interaction of psychotrauma and specific reactivity has been repeatedly calling the attention of clinicians because of its occurrence and progression of neurotic register disorders. Given the noted increase in the prevalence of psychosomatic disorders, this issue is pressing in psychotherapy clinic, which have determined the purpose of the study. The article covers clinical−theoretical interpretation and systematization of psychotrauma as a fundamental component of psychotherapy clinic. It describes five levels of psychogenic disorders. The basic regularities of psychopathogenesis of these disorders depending on the level of development were determined. The role of psychogenia in formation of psychosomatic pathology was described. Psychological defense mechanisms characteristic of patients with psychosomatic diseases were considered and differentiated. It was noted that for the psychological defense mechanisms subjective awareness, characteristic of patients suffering from psychosomatic disorders, in contrast to the patients of neurological clinic, is less typical, whereas the levels of passivity and rigidity prevail. At the same time, a certain number of psychosomatic patients more often than neurotic patients present more flexible coping strategies. The authors conclude about the importance of systematization of the analyzed phenomena in the form of psychophenomenological profile to develop therapeutic strategies that are most appropriate to the nature and level of psychogenic disorders that can provide optimal timing and quality of psychiatric help.

Key words: psychogenia, psychotherapy, psychosomatic pathogenesis, clinical psychophenomenology.

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