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№1' 2015


International Medical Journal, Vol. 21., Iss. 1, 2015, P. 18−21.


Synelnyk V. P.

Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Ukraine

The сoncept of cardiovascular risk is based on the idea about mutual interference between metabolic and cardiovascular factors, modulating the size of total or global risk of coronary events, mainly realizing the influence by means of the so−called adipocyte function. Fatty tissue is considered not only a basic energy depot of the organism but also an active auto−, para−, and endocrine organ releasing bioactive substances of peptide and non−peptide nature to the blood stream. Apelin is secreted by human adipocytes; due to this it is often considered to be аdipokine. Аpelin is a peptide identified as a ligand for angiotensin−like receptor−1 APJ that is mainly secreted by endothelial cells and adipocytes. Thus, some investigations specify reduction of reperfusion heart involvement due to the action of apelin, which can be related to antioxidant properties and confirmed by the studies of malonic dialdehyde in the heart and cardiomyocytes of rats. The question about the role of apelin in development of hypertrophic states of myocardium and diseases related to it is still unclear. Some observations specify that reduction of apelin level accompanies development of uremic status, but not development of myocardium diseases as such. Nevertheless, the role of apelin in development of cardiovascular diseases is impossible to eliminate. At present apelin is considered a potential marker of cardiovascular and metabolic risk, however its diagnostic and prognosis value has not been studied completely, which requires continuation of research in this area. Thus, investigation of apelin properties allows to suggest its role in forming a number of pathologic states of the cardiovascular system with concomitant pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, therefore requires continuation of further study.

Key words: apelin, cardiovascular diseases, receptor APJ.

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