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№4' 2017


Daily monitoring of blood pressure and structural and functional state of the heart in middle−aged and elderly patients with arterial hypertension
5 - 12
The dynamics of changes in the characteristics of the daily profile of blood pressure and the structural and functional state of the heart was investigated in middle−aged and elderly patients with arterial hypertension against a background of long−term treatment. Age−related features of the course of arterial hypertension were determined.
Correction of hyperglycemia, a predictor of endothelial dysfunction in petients with chronic heart failure
13 - 16
The influence of carbohydrate metabolism disorder on endothelial dysfunction in patients with chronic heart failure and type 2 diabetes mellitus was studied. The results showed that these disorders aggravated the course and prognosis of chronic heart failure. The efficacy of treatment with magnesium orotate is shown in these patients.
Pneumonia lethal outcome predictors in patients with oncohematological diseases
17 - 25
Predictors of pneumonia lethal outcome in patients with immunity disturbances against a background of oncohematological diseases were identified based on statistical analysis of a set of clinical, laboratory, anamnestic and immunological indices. Logistic regression equation for the prognosis of lethal outcome was obtained. Its application in clinical practice will allow objective assessment of the patient's condition and provide him with appropriate aid.
Participation of polymorphism of A1166C gene of type 1 angiotensin II receptor in metabolic disorders in patients with arterial hypertension and non−alcoholic fatty liver diseases
25 - 29
The involvement of polymorphism of A1166C gene of type 1 angiotensin II receptor in disorders of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in patients with arterial hypertension in combination with non−alcoholic fatty liver disease. It was established that comorbidity of these diseases in carriers of C/C genotype causes more distinct violations in the form of hyperinsulinemia, decrease of tissue sensitivity to insulin and hypertriglyceridemia than in patients with genotypes A/C and A/A.
Features of feeding in surgical patients with severe dysphagia
30 - 35
The results of examination and treatment of patients with extended postburn esophageal strictures were analyzed. The features of postoperative course in all cases depending on the type of nutrition are presented. The advantages of the enteral and parenteral nutrition at all steps of treatment of patients with dysphagia were substantiated, which allowed obtaining better indicators compared to separate application of enteral or parenteral nutrition.
Modern approaches to treatment of spontaneous esophageal rupture
35 - 37
The results of treatment of patients with spontaneous rupture of the esophagus are presented. The use of the developed individualized treatment tactics with the use of different modern methods allows the increase in treatment efficiency.
Significance of neurovisualizing methods for optimizing surgical tactics in patients with multiple cervical spine hernias
38 - 42
The capabilities of neurovisualizing diagnostic methods in justifying the choice of surgical tactics were assessed based on the surgical treatment of patients with multiple hernias of the cervical spine.
Estimation of the effectiveness of extracorporeal fertilization after transfer of vitrified blastocysts in the natural cycle and with the use of hormone replacement therapy
42 - 46
The authors report the results of evaluation of the effectiveness of extracorporeal fertilization after the transfer of vitrified blastocysts in the natural cycle and with the use of hormone replacement therapy. It was found that the most effective is the protocol, in which the transfer of vitrified blastocysts occurs in a modified natural menstrual cycle with the support of the luteal phase by intravaginal administration of 90 mg of progesterone in the form of a gel for 2 weeks.
Practical issues of diagnosis and treatment of endometrium hyperplastic processes
47 - 52
The issues of epidemiology, etiology, diagnosis and treatment (both operative and conservative) of hyperplastic processes of endometrium, prevention of disease relapse are featured. A modern classification of endometrial hyperplastic processes is presented. The capabilities of hormonal therapy in accordance with the type of pathology, age were shown. Recommendations for follow−up were given.
Nutritional insufficiency in patients with gastrointestinal malignancies
53 - 56
Modern views on the pathogenesis of nutritional deficiency in cancer patients are presented. The necessity of adequate correction of protein−energy insufficiency at all stages of complex treatment in patients with malignant tumors of the gastrointestinal tract is shown.
Epidemiology of leiomyoma, adenomyosis and uterine sarcoma (literature review)
57 - 61
The review presents modern data on epidemiology of benign myometrium tumors (leiomyomas, adenomyosis) and malignant non−epithelial neoplasms of the uterus (sarcomas).
Statistical analysis of diagnosis and treatment of serous otitis media in children
62 - 65
The analysis of archival material revealed the increase of both the total number of acute otitis media averaged over the years, as well as the increase in the amount of secretory otitis media, which requires immediate, full−scale treatment (including surgical) to prevent its transition into more severe forms. Wide−spread infection with Epstein − Barr virus, which requires, in addition to traditional interventions, specific treatment, was established.
The efficacy of elimination therapy in treatment of acute and chronic rhinosinusitis
66 - 71
The results of a comparative analysis of topical application of lorect based on the dynamics of microbiocenoses (microflora, microbial landscape) of the nasal mucosa, rhinoscopy findings and nasal breathing functional parameters are presented. The efficacy of lorect spray in treatment of rhinosinusitis and adenoiditis was proven.
Prognostic significance of myocardial damage markers in the perioperative period in patients with acute coronary syndrome at coronary artery bypass grafting
72 - 78
The perioperative period in patients with acute coronary syndrome who underwent coronary artery bypass grafting is discussed. The use of levosimendan, increasing myocardium contractility without increasing its oxygen demand and reducing the required dose of β1−adrenomimetics, reduces the probability of both the initial (more severe) and post−perfusion ischemic myocardial damage.
Blood biochemical stress markers in patients with severe traumatic brain injury
79 - 82
Blood biochemical stress markers in patients with severe traumatic brain injury were investigated. It was found out that significant tension of stress reactions on day 1 caused a significant increase of the biochemical stress markers: cortisol, insulin, glucose, in the organism of the patients. Their significant decrease was observed on day 7 of the study, which influenced the duration of artificial ventilation of the lungs, and therefore, and the rate of consciousness restoration.
The state of venous hemodynamics in acute hemispheric ischemic stroke
83 - 86
The parameters of venous hemodynamics, obtained in acute hemispheric ischemic stroke using transcranial triplex scans are presented and systematized.
Ultrasonography of musculoskeletal and cartilaginous pathology in the shoulder joint region
87 - 91
Ultrasonography findings of the shoulder joint at humeroscapular pain syndrome are presented. The peculiar ultrasonography features of structural and functional disturbances of articular and paraarticular tissues of the shoulder joint in various nosological forms of humeroscapular pain syndrome are described.
Various aspects of obesity and overweight in children and adolescents
92 - 96
The influence of biological, socio−hygienic, socio−economic and psychological factors of the risk of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents aged 10−17 was studied. It was found out that the leading risk factors were biological (family predisposition to overweight, the presence of hereditary predisposition to type 2 diabetes and hypertension) and social and hygienic (inappropriate diet, violation of diet and reduced motor activity). Psychological and socio−economic factors influenced he development of the studied pathology.
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