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№1' 2019


International Medical Journal, Vol. 25., Iss. 1, 2019, P. 43−51.


Nana Merabovna Pasieshvili, Viktor Savelevich Lupoyad, Ilchenko V. O., Moshko Yu. O.

KNP HOS "Regional Clinical Perinatal Center", Kharkov, Ukraine

Placental insufficiency is a complex clinical syndrome caused by the disordered compensatory and adaptive mechanisms that ensure the fetus normal growth and development, the result of fetus and placenta response to various pathological conditions of mother's body, which manifests, as a rule, in the complex of disorders of endocrine, trophic, metabolic and transport functions of the placenta. Clinically placental insufficiency is manifested in the delay of fetal growth and its hypoxia. Prenatal screening is used to diagnose placental insufficiency and delayed fetal growth, including identifying pregnant women of the high−risk groups, assessing the height of uterine fundus, biochemical screening, ultrasound examination, estimating the amount of amniotic fluid and the placenta maturity degree with ultrasound fetometry, dopplerometry, cardiotocography, amniocentesis, chorionic villus biopsy, placentocentesis, cordocentesis, followed by karyotyping. Treatment of these pathologies can include medications as well as can be drug−free. The therapy should be aimed at improving the uteroplacental and fetal−placental blood flow, intensification of gas exchange, correction of rheological and coagulation properties of blood, eliminating hypovolemia and hypoproteinemia, normalization of vascular tone and contractile activity of uterus, antioxidant defense strengthening, optimizing the metabolic processes.

Key words: placental insufficiency, fetal growth retardation, ultrasound fetometry, fetal biophysical profile.

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