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№1' 2019


International Medical Journal, Vol. 25., Iss. 1, 2019, P. 61−64.


Aleksandr Albertovich Mikhanovskii, Sukhin V. S., Yuliia Vladimirovna Kharchenko, Fedorenko N. V., Yuliia Anatolevna Moiseyenko, Marina Anatolevna Teplova

SE "Grigoriev Institute for Medical Radiology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine", Kharkiv, Ukraine

Over the past two decades, endoscopic surgery has been widely used in surgical gynecology. With the use of endoscopic cameras, it became an indispensable diagnostic, therapeutic and surgical method. In order to study the expediency of using diagnostic laparoscopy, it was performed in 15 patients with stage II ovary cancer (T3a−cNxM0) to determine the malignancy extent, as well as the tumor sampling was performed. All the patients had a diagnosis based on a comprehensive examination, which included bimanual examination, clinical, echographic, computer−tomographic and cytological examinations. The patients satisfactorily survived surgical intervention, after which the drainage of the abdominal cavity was carried out for further intraperitoneal neoadjuvant chemotherapy. There were performed 15 diagnostic laparoscopies, including 1 hystero−oophorectomy and the large omentum resection, 3 adnexectomies, 7 tumor biopsies and 4 examinations of the pelvic organs and abdominal cavity. Among 7 biopsies of tumor 3 were non−informative, in 2 cases in diagnostic laparoscopy, after the examination of pelvic organs and abdominal cavity, laparotomy was performed due to the tumor curability. During laparoscopy, two complications in the form of bleeding from the vessels of the ovarian tumor were recorded after taking the biopsy specimen, resulted in further laparotomy for the patient. Diagnostic laparoscopy has allowed with a high accuracy to assess the malignancy distribution rate, to histologically verify the diagnosis, to perform immunohistochemical study and to provide the conditions for the further intraperitoneal neoadjuvant chemotherapy.

Key words: ovarian cancer, diagnostic laparoscopy, neoadjuvant chemotherapy, immunohistochemical study.

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