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№2' 2020


International Medical Journal, Vol. 26., Iss. 2, 2020, P. 81−88.



Hurbanova T. S.

Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Ukraine

Regional clinical and epidemiological characteristics of the patients with the proximal femur fractures have been determined. To perform the research, the following tasks were solved: to establish the prevalence of fractures of the proximal femur depending on age and sex characteristics, place of residence, lesion, features of admission to the clinic, mechanisms of referral, timing of admission, concomitant pathology and comorbid burden, functional level, type of fracture and treatment tactics. The regional epidemiological characteristics of patients with these fractures were retrospectively studied using the date of seven medical institutions of the city of Kharkiv during 2011−2016. The predominance of women with a total average age of all the patients of 70.36±0.20 years and the one of the contingent of the patients aged 71−80 years and older 80 years and older were found. There was a significant prevalence of urban dwellers among the patients. The predominance of patients admitted to trauma departments by ambulance crews was determined. It was stated that the vast majority of respondents received medical care in the first 6 hours after injury. A significant proportion of comorbidly burdened patients with a predominance of the patients with one or two concomitant diseases was identified. Almost identical injuries of both the right and left extremities with a significant predominance of closed fractures and those of type 31A1 and 31B1 according to the classification of the Society for the Study of Osteosynthesis. A certain decrease in functional status was determined according to the classification of the American Society of Anesthesiologists. Conservative treatment was used more often than surgical treatment.

Key words: proximal femur fractures, clinical and epidemiological characteristics, concomitant pathology, comorbid burden, age−sexual characteristics, functional status.


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