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№3' 2020


International Medical Journal, Vol. 26., Iss. 3, 2020, P. 53−59.



Shushliapina N. O., Lupyr A. V., Cherniakova O. Ye.

Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine

The investigation of the vascular microcirculation system is important for diagnosis, assessment of the severity and nature of pathological processes in human body, monitoring the effectiveness of treatment. Monitoring the state of microcirculation in impaired respiratory function of the nose helps to study the subtle mechanisms of regulation of vascular−tissue relations. To do this, there were used the biomicroscopic methods to study capillary blood flow, one of the most relevant and promising is optical capillaroscopy of the nail bed. This method makes it possible to identify at the evidence level the peculiarities of the functioning of the peripheral circulatory system by the state of the capillary system and to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment by the rheological properties of blood in hematological practice. There were examined 145 patients by means of computer capillaroscopy to study the rate of capillary circulation in the patients with pathology of intranasal structures and nasal breathing disorders. All patients underwent a complete clinical examination, routine instrumental examinations, and computer capillaroscopy using a video capillaroscope with a visual magnification of up to 550 times. The obtained images were stored and processed according to a special software. During the characterization of the capillaroscopic picture there were evaluated: pathological tortuosity, change in the caliber of arterioles and venules, disorganization of the capillary network, the number of functioning capillaries. Changes in the speed and nature of capillary blood flow (accelerated, slow, stasis) were observed. The optical capillaroscopy method allows not only to visually assess the condition of microvessels, but also to determine such an important parameter as blood circulation, actually, it can replace the study of laser Doppler. Such data will be important in the diagnosis of respiratory and olfactory disorders and the formation of adequate tactics for their treatment.

Key words: microcirculation, microcirculatory tract, capillary circulation, nasal obstruction, nasal breathing disorders, pathology of intranasal structures, computer capillaroscopy.


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