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№3' 2021


International Medical Journal, Vol. 27., Iss. 3, 2021, P. 48−52.



Irina Anatolevna Hryhorova, Yeskin O. R., Ibrahimova O. L., Tykhonova L. V.

Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine

Currently, the number of patients admitted to hospitals with a diagnosis of transient ischemic attacks is increasing, due to possible effective management of this group with early treatment. Problems of their diagnosis, prognosis and prevention are relevant because the importance of early examination and treatment of patients, which should be a signal for the primary prevention of vascular diseases of the brain. The study of hemorheological parameters allows to substantiate the approach to the pathogenetic treatment of cardioembolic and atherothrombotic ischemic attacks. For this purpose, endothelial dysfunction was studied in 142 patients. Comparative analysis of indices determines clinical and biochemical correlations to improve the detection and treatment of this pathology. Patients' blood was sampled 12 hours after the onset of neurological symptoms. The clinical diagnosis was set on the basis of clinical and paraclinical data using standard protocols of neurological examination, the results of neuroimaging methods. The main vasodilators and vasoconstrictors of blood plasma were studied. In patients with cardioembolic seizures, the hemocoagulation properties of blood were not prone to thrombosis, despite increased platelet aggregation. Other data of hemocoagulation and hemostasis remained without significant deviations from the norm, that indicated the primary causes of occlusion of vessels of extravasal nature and a mild form of the disease. In patients from the group of atherothrombotic ischemic attacks, these indices were much worse, due to severe course of the disease and slower regression of focal neurological symptoms. Such differences in the pathogenetic mechanisms of occlusion in cardioembolic and atherothrombotic ischemic attacks necessitate a differentiated approach to treatment.

Key words: hemostasis, cardioembolic transient ischemic attack, atherothrombotic transient ischemic attack, hemocoagulation, hemorheology.


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