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№3' 2020


International Medical Journal, Vol. 26., Iss. 3, 2020, P. 79−82.



Sorokina O. G., Liadova T. I., Popov M. M., Dorosh D. M., Malanchuk S. G., Gololobova O. V., Grechishkina Yu. O., Sorokina A. V.

V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine

Epstein−Barr virus occupies an important place in the structure of infectious lesions of herpesvirus etiology. In order to study the age−related course of chronic infection caused by Epstein−Barr virus, a study was conducted with involvement of 141 patients. According to the results of our study, we found that a chronic infection caused by Epstein−Barr virus is characterized with polymorphism of clinical symptoms, there are certain features of its manifestations depending on the age of patients. Among the clinical manifestations of the infection, chronic tonsillitis, chronic fatigue syndrome and peripheral lymphadenopathy were most often found. Peripheral lymphadenopathy, hepatolienal syndrome and chronic tonsillitis were most common in the patients aged 18−25 years, prolonged subfebrility was noted in the age group of 26−35 years, and chronic fatigue syndrome, arthralgia and myalgia among were observed in the patients aged 36−45 years. A study of the recurrence rate in patients with chronic infection caused by Epstein−Barr virus of different age groups revealed that patients aged 18−25 and 26−35 years had 1−2 recurrences during the year, and those aged 36−45 years had 4 ones and more. Analysis of the results of laboratory studies showed that the patients with chronic infection caused by Epstein−Barr virus, compared with the control group showed a significant increase in erythrocyte sedimentation rate, relative lymphocytes and monocytes, as well as a decrease in absolute and relative neutrophil content, indicating leukocyte blood formula, characteristic of the viral etiology of the disease associated with Epstein−Barr virus. There was no correlation between the clinical analysis of blood with age of the patients with chronic infection caused by Epstein−Barr virus.

Key words: herpesvirus infection, chronic Epstein − Barr virus infection, disease course, clinical and laboratory parameters, immune system.


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