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№1' 2022


International Medical Journal, Vol. 28., Iss. 1, 2022, P. 48−54.



Zinchenko O. K., Petukhova I. S., Kas I. V., Ustimenko T. P., Zaitsev M. V., Kabanenko I. V., Yutkin V. M., Chugaiev A. Yu., Miroshnikova Zh. V.

Educational and Scientific Medical Institute of NTU "Kharkiv Polytechnic University", Ukraine
Ukrainian Research Institute of Prosthetics, Prosthetic Design and Rehabilitation, Kharkiv, Ukraine

The significance of the task of treatment and rehabilitation after vertebral trauma is determined by the severity of motor disorders, developing in the patients with spinal cord injury, as well as the severity of complications. Analysis of practical experience shows that the final result of treatment of such injuries significantly depends on the proper organization of the rehabilitation process. The algorithm for compiling an individual rehabilitation program for the patient in the recovery and late periods of spinal cord injury has the following stages: collection of complaints and medical history of the patient; study of available documentation; examination and palpation of the patient; study of the patient's neurological condition; application of laboratory and instrumental methods of diagnosis (magnetic resonance imaging, electroneuromyography, ultrasound methods of vascular examination, blood and urine analysis; blood pressure monitoring and electrocardiography; biomechanical examination of walking, electroencephalography); study of the patient's nutritional status. The algorithm for preparing individual rehabilitation programs of the patient should include a set of functional studies of the cardiovascular system. The autonomic nervous system plays an important role in regulating the state of cardiovascular system. The most common manifestations of cardiovascular deficiency in spinal cord injury are orthostatic hypotension and bradycardia. Lowering blood pressure in such patients is logical. Dysreflexia develops in the injured Th6 segment of the spinal cord. The nature of changes in hemodynamics depends on functional changes in the myocardium. Thus, physiological responses of neurohumoral regulation to stress make it possible to determine the nature of the response of regulatory systems to external and internal factors, to select therapeutic interventions that have the necessary impact on regulation, prove the effectiveness of patient management tactics.

Key words: spinal cord injury, rehabilitation measures, rehabilitation treatment.


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