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№1' 2022


International Medical Journal, Vol. 28., Iss. 1, 2022, P. 55−58.



Olga Vladimirovna Slobodianiuk, Starikova A. B., Korolevska A. Yu., Zhidetskiy V. V., Slobodianiuk I. V.

V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
S. P. Grigoriev Institute of Medical Radiology, NAMS of Ukraine, Kharkiv
V. T. Zaitsev Іnstitute of General and Urgent Surgery of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine
Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine

Chemotherapy in geriatric patients with esophageal cancer may be accompanied by the development of complications due to tumor forms, severe polymorbid background, reduced adaptive mechanisms. These patients require a special approach, managing and treatment of concomitant pathology, which in the vast majority of cases allows to achieve favorable results. Features of the clinical course of esophageal cancer, along with the lack of effective screening techniques do not help to improve the early diagnosis of this disease. The fact of significant delay in seeking medical care in this group of geriatric patients is noteworthy. Due to the late diagnosis of esophageal cancer in the vast majority of patients, treatment tactics can only be based on chemotherapy or chemoradiation. The disease severity in esophageal cancer is also accompanied by the rapid development of cachexia on the background of dysphagia, cancer intoxication, anemia. Comprehensive geriatric examination includes assessment of concomitant diseases, functional and emotional state, cognitive status, life expectancy, the degree of weakening of the patient. All these aspects of the patient's health and living conditions can influence the choice of therapy. Individually for each patient it is necessary to choose a method of controlling the concomitant diseases. In this regard, the survey becomes relevant, the main objectives of which are to determine the prevalence of cancer and assess the body functional reserves. Age alone is not a prognostic factor for the effectiveness and toxicity of treatment. Aggravated comorbid status, as well as the patient's advanced age, is an independent risk factor for complications. Adequate assessment of the body's functional reserves contributes to the development of optimal treatment tactics, assuming the individual characteristics of a geriatric patient.

Key words: esophageal cancer, chemotherapy, old age, polymorbidity.


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